A specially designed HACCP system for users whose goal is to take maximum care of food handling conditions, meet legal standards, automatically control the process and clearly divide responsibility. This system significantly contributes to food safety and the effectiveness of HACCP procedures, which is extremely important for all participants in the food supply chain.

Working principle: Sensors positioned around the refrigerators continuously measure the temperature and send the data via WiFi to the web application.
Data processing: The web application stores and processes received data, monitors temperature changes and reports, and keeps a detailed record of readings on forms.
Status notification: The system sends notifications about temperatures by position in real time, to precisely specified persons in charge of a specific location, for a specific time.
Confirmation of readings: Responsible persons receive information electronically and authorize readings with one click and thereby confirm their own information.
Recording of read values: The application automatically records confirmation or non-authorization of readings.
Escalation of the problem: In the event that the responsible person does not confirm the reading within the given period, the system automatically informs the authorities about the omission, so that the necessary measures can be taken.
Automating data tracking and recording reduces human error and enables faster response to potential problems.
Detailed records of all readings and reactions enable easy monitoring and auditing of HACCP procedures.
Real-time notifications and problem escalation allow for rapid intervention, reducing the risk of food spoilage and other hazards.
Automated record keeping helps meet legal requirements and food safety standards.