Design and Manufacturing of Temperature Sensors, Programmable Switches, and Applications
We fully design and manufacture temperature and humidity measuring devices, programmable electrical switches for
liquid flow and dosing, temperature and relative humidity switches, Wi-Fi / AP and RF wireless switches, RF to
Wi-Fi gateway device, and other electronic circuits according to the needs of the client. The devices support a
wide range of power supply and output voltage combinations: 230VAC, 48VAC, 24VAC, 12VAC, 24VDC, 12VDC, 9VDC,
6VDC, 5VDC, 3.3VDC

We incorporate components from Texas Instruments, Hygrosens A.C., Sensirion AG, Semiconductor, Omron and others into our products.
Čistimir d.o.o. Puževa ulica 13 10020 Zagreb / HR VAT:HR87519972931
Mirko Stijaković tel: +38598221361
Viber: +38598221361
WhatsApp: +38598221361